Video Tutorial: Learn the Extended Single Crochet Stitch & make a Stretchy Coffee Sleeve

Over the past few years the extended single crochet stitch (ext sc) has become one of my absolute favorite crochet stitches. I love it when it’s worked in the round, I love it when it’s worked flat. It’s a versatile stitch that lends lots of positive ease to projects and is a very fun stitch to work!

What began as a short video tutorial to share my favorite stitch with you, morphed into a little longer video tutorial and a free crochet pattern for a stretchy coffee sleeve, but I’m sure you don’t mind. 😉 

~Click HERE to sign-up to receive our weekly newsletter!~Thermal coffee mug with turquoise crochet coffee sleeve made with extended single crochet.

What will I learn in this video tutorial?

  • Extended Single Crochet Stitch
  • How to begin working in a row and transition to working in a continuous, seamless, round
  • How to make this stretchy coffee sleeve
  • Seamless construction
  • Last but not least, a great tip on weaving your ends into the extended single crochet stitch


Click HERE to watch the Video Tutorial




  • Worsted Weight Yarn / 4
  • H/8/5.00mm crochet hook (my favorite is the Clover Amour 5mm Crochet Hook available thru our affiliates)
  • Scrap piece of yarn (3″ – 4″ long)
  • Scissors
  • Yarn Needle
  • Your favorite travel mug to check fit!


Stitch Abbreviations

  • ch: chain
  • st(s): stitch(es)
  • ext sc: extended single crochet
  • yo: yarn over
  • RS: right side
  • Rnd: round
  • PM: place marker (scrap piece of yarn)


Special Stitch

  • Extended Single Crochet (ext sc): Insert your hook into specified st, yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull thru 1 loop, yo, pull thru remaining loops on hook.



  • I tend to crochet on the tighter side. If you crochet more loosely than I do, you will need to adjust your beginning foundation chain so that your coffee sleeve fits your travel mug. Stitch count isn’t important for this project so you can adjust your foundation chain by however many stitches you need to to get the proper fit. I would suggest working Row 1 and adjusting from there if needed. Because of the positive ease of this crochet stitch, Row 1 should be about a 1/4″ shorter than the circumference of your travel mug.



Row 1 (RS): Ch 37, working into the back hump of the foundation chain, ext sc into 2nd ch from hook, ext sc into each ch across. Do Not Join. (36 sts)

*Note: You will not join at the end of Row 1. Instead, you will begin working in a continuous round by working the 1st stitch of Rnd 2 into the 1st stitch of Row 1. Watch video for clarification.

Rnd 2: Ext sc in each st around. PM after last st of Rnd 2 to mark the end of the rnd before moving on to Rnd 3.

Rnds 3 – 10: Ext sc in each st around. Move marker up as you complete each rnd by removing it and placing it after the last st of the rnd just completed.

Special Join: At the end of Rnd 10, work the following special join (shown in video), pull up on the loop on your hook to increase it, remove your hook, insert your hook from back to front into the 1st st of Rnd 10, place loop of yarn back on hook, pull on working yarn to tighten the loop back on your hook, pull yarn thru to the inside of your coffee sleeve. 

Fasten off. Weave in ends. *See tip on weaving ends into the ext sc in the video.


Using your yarn needle, sew the gap closed between the first and last stitches of Row 1. Weave in ends.


Are you intimidated by crocheted cables? Would you love to learn? Take an Annies Video Class with me and let me ease your fears of crocheted cables! Click on the photo below to watch a free preview. You can also see the other 2 classes I have available! (affiliate link)

Learn to Crochet Cables with Jennifer Pionk from A Crocheted Simplicity & Annies Video Classes!


I really hope you’ve enjoyed this video tutorial & free crochet pattern and that I’ve helped to add another great stitch to your crochet toolbox!

Please share your finished ACS projects with me in the A Crocheted Simplicity Crochet Community Group on Facebook!

Happy Crocheting!


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